How Much do Tennis Lessons Cost in 2024?

Tennis is an ever-improving sport, regardless of your level. You may want to schedule some lessons with a coach if you are interested in improving your hitting technique or using your shots more efficiently.

Tennis coaches are available at various levels and a majority of them specialize in working with certain kinds of players, some work with children, some are better placed to work with beginners and others work with high-level athletes.

You will also need a coach who is patient and understands how to make learning the game fun if you are a beginner or are trying to introduce your children to the game through group lessons.

Since this type of coaching requires a different set of skills than advanced coaching, it tends to be more affordable than advanced coaching due to its lower qualification level.

A one-hour tennis lesson costs will cost between $60 – $100 in the USA. Coaches and players charge differently depending on their level. An hour with a leading coach at an elite venue might cost between $200 and $300, while an hour with a coach with few qualifications in a park might cost under $50 dollars per participant.

The cost of a tennis lesson is influenced by a variety of factors, which we will discuss below so you can make an informed choice.

Tennis Lessons Price List

Tennis Lesson LengthAverage Cost
30 minutes$40
45 minutes$60
60 minutes$70

Cost of Individual vs Group Tennis Lessons

Cost of Individual vs Group Tennis Lessons

In order to get the most out of their time working as coaches, they will often charge what they believe the market will bear, taking into consideration the number of competitors in the field and how much they believe they can earn.

Obviously, there is a cost associated with an hour of coaching, which takes into account any court fees set by the venue, some allowances for equipment costs (such as balls), and the coach’s basic hourly rate. In principle, an hour of the coach’s time shouldn’t change regardless of whether more than one court is booked and equipment wears out more quickly.

The cost of a group lesson can usually be considerably less than the cost of an individual lesson, based on the fact that a group lesson is usually larger in size than an individual lesson, though the coach will also be looking for more money per court to make more money through either a higher rate per player or by increasing the number of players.

A coach’s experience and level of qualification also affect the cost of a tennis lesson. Quite rightly, you should expect to receive a higher wage per hour when working as a coach if you have spent years learning your profession, pursuing qualifications, and taking professional development seriously, as opposed to someone who is eager but unqualified.

Country clubs are more likely to have tennis instructors or professional tennis instructor who work for the club. For group tuition, you might be charged $20-30 per head at a Country Club because of the additional overhead.

At a resort or hotel, the coaches will normally be top-notch Certified Professional Tennis Instructors who will be professionally qualified to instruct tennis.

Since the venue will be looking for a maximum profit, so there is a range of fees between $90-150 per hour that can be expected. It is not uncommon for group rates to go as high as $30 per person per night. There is a discussion on Quora about how much tennis lessons cost.

Are Private Tennis Lessons Worth It?

How Much do Tennis Lessons Cost

Some people may question whether private tennis lessons are worth the expense due to the fact that they are quite expensive compared to joining a group. The best thing about group settings is that you can learn the basics while playing with friends and family later on. Individual lessons can, however, be beneficial for several reasons.

  1. A coach will show you the correct way to hold a racket, give you the basics of the game and an overview of strategy.
  2. Working with a coach will improve your game much quicker than working without one.
  3. Private lessons offer personalized instruction tailored to your individual needs and goals. You can also focus on specific areas of the game that you would like to improve, from footwork to spin shots. 

All in all, private tennis lessons are a great way to become serious about the sport and get better at it quickly. If you have the funds for it, go ahead and book your own private lesson. It’s definitely worth it! 

And don’t forget to have fun along the way! 🙂   

How Often Should you Have Lessons?

There are different approaches to thinking about technique, depending on the player. Most people will have one technical session per week with a coach and use other times in the week to practice what has been learned. Your weekly private lessons might be increased to 2-3 times a week once you become advanced and there is less room for improvement.

Why Are Tennis Lessons Expensive?

How Much do Tennis Lessons Cost

There are costs associated with being a tennis instructor. It is necessary to pay court fees, purchase tennis balls, insurance and replace any other equipment used in the course of the sport that wears out. They also have to pay for their own time and travel. All of these costs are passed on to the student, making lessons expensive.

However, it can be worth the expense because a good coach can help you become a better player more quickly than if you were just practicing by yourself. It is important to find an instructor who has experience teaching players at your level and that you feel comfortable with. With regular lessons, you should be able to see an improvement in your game within a few months. A good instructor can also help you identify specific areas of your game that need attention and provide strategies for overcoming them.


Does The Cost Include The Court Rent?

It really depends, some coaches will include the court rental and others will not.  It is important to make sure  you understand what the charge includes before committing.  A tennis court typically costs about $16 an hour to rent in the US. Due to the fact that you’ll have to play inside, the price will be higher in winter.

The US rents out tennis courts for a relatively lower price than many other countries. According to a survey conducted by the website, these are the 15 most expensive US cities for hourly renting.

#US CityAvg per hour
1Brooklyn, NY, United States44.29 $
2New York, NY, United States40.17 $
3Seattle, WA, United States33.14 $
4Philadelphia, PA, United States31.59 $
5Spokane, WA, United States25.80 $
6Minneapolis, MN, United States25.33 $
7Tampa, FL, United States25.21 $
8Buffalo, NY, United States24.17 $
9Portland, OR, United States24.10 $
10Las Vegas, NV, United States23.12 $
11Indianapolis, IN, United States22.50 $
12Chicago, IL, United States21.91 $
13Boston, MA, United States21.25 $
14Cincinnati, OH, United States20.62 $
15Phoenix, AZ, United States20.25 $

What’s Next?

There are many options out there when looking to choose a tennis coach. If you are new to the game find your local tennis club and make contact with a coach.  If you are looking for more social and general fitness from the game group lessons might be more suitable. Our experience shows us that a good coach can really help your game improve quickly. 

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David Harris

David is the founder and chief writer at Tennis Pursuits. A tennis fanatic, David has extensive experience of the game and has reviewed 100s of products to date. He is passionate about helping others on their tennis journey.

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