
How to Put Tennis Balls on a Walker? [2024]

A tennis ball may have been seen on a walker from time to time. These balls are attached to walking devices for practical reason, even if it looks strange at first. Why do people put tennis balls on walkers? Tennis ball walkers aren’t for everyone, so we have created this post to answer a few of your questions about how to put tennis balls on a walker.

What You’ll Need

To put tennis balls on your walker, you’ll need a few supplies:

  • A pair of tennis balls: You can purchase these at most sporting goods stores or online.
  • A sharp knife or scissors: This will be used to cut a small slit in the tennis balls.
  • A marker: This will be used to mark where you need to make the cut in the tennis balls.

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Choosing the Right Tennis Balls

When selecting tennis balls for your walker, consider a few important factors. Opt for standard-size tennis balls as they fit most walkers. Ensure that the tennis balls are in good condition without any cuts or tears. It’s also essential to choose balls with a durable outer layer that can withstand regular use.

Preparing the Walker

Before attaching tennis balls to your walker, ensure that the legs are clean and dry. Remove any existing rubber tips or worn-out attachments. This will provide a clean surface for the tennis balls to adhere to securely.

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How to Put Tennis Balls on a Walker: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Put Tennis Balls on a Walker

Now that you have your supplies ready, it’s time to get started. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Mark the Tennis Balls

Using the marker, make a small dot on each tennis ball where you want to make the cut. This will ensure that the cuts are even on both sides.

Step 2: Cut the Slit

Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut a small slit in each tennis ball where you made the dot. Be careful not to make the slit too big or the tennis ball may fall off the walker.

Step 3: Insert the Walker Leg

Once you have made the slit, simply insert the walker leg into the tennis ball. The slit should be snug around the leg so that the ball doesn’t fall off. Repeat this process with the other tennis ball and walker’s leg.

Step 4: Test it Out

Once you have put the tennis balls on your walker, test it out to make sure they are secure and won’t fall off. Walk around your home and listen for any screeching or scratching sounds. You should notice a significant reduction in noise if the tennis balls are properly secured.

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Tips and Tricks

  • If you have trouble making a slit in the tennis ball, try heating up the knife or scissors first.
  • Consider using different colored tennis balls to personalize your walker.
  • If the tennis balls get dirty or worn out, simply replace them with new ones.

Why Use Tennis Balls on a Walker?

Before we dive into the steps, you may be wondering why you should bother putting tennis balls on your walker in the first place. Here are a few reasons:

  • They reduce noise: Tennis balls are soft and won’t make the same screeching sounds that metal walkers’ legs do.
  • They protect your floors: The rubber soles of the tennis balls won’t scratch or damage your floors.
  • They provide better traction: If you’re using your walker on the carpet, the tennis balls can make it easier to move around.

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Are Tennis Balls on Walkers Safe?

It is safe to add tennis balls to a walker. Tennis balls are often placed at the bottom of walkers to increase their safety. Tennis balls with felt help keep the walker in place and provide a larger surface area. When sliding on rough surfaces, tennis balls may tear or rip, even though they’re pretty durable. This is why only certain surfaces should be used for sliding.

After learning more about tennis balls and their safety concerns, let’s take a closer look at a walker with tennis balls.

Walker’s Argument Against Ball Attacks

Since there are now substitutes that aid in sliding more, some people have actually opposed using tennis balls on walkers in recent years. In the beginning, a walker that uses two tennis balls may improve its stability, but if one tennis ball wears out before the other, the stability may become uneven.

Many people also dislike tennis balls with bottoms because they attract a lot of germs. Wheels and tips can also become filthy very quickly, something to keep in mind.

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What is the alternative to tennis balls on walker?

There are several Alternative to Tennis Balls on Walker that can be used to improve the mobility and stability of walkers:

  1. Glide caps or tips: These are rubber or plastic caps that fit over the bottom of the walker’s legs, providing a smooth surface that glides easily over floors and other surfaces.
  2. Walker skis: These are small plastic skis that attach to the bottom of the walker’s legs and allow it to slide easily over carpets, grass, and other outdoor surfaces.
  3. Wheels: Some walkers can be fitted with small wheels that allow them to roll easily over flat surfaces.
  4. Walker gliders: These are plastic or nylon disks that attach to the bottom of the walker’s legs, providing a smooth surface that glides easily over floors.
  5. Rubber tips: These are rubber caps that fit over the bottom of the walker’s legs, providing good traction and stability on a variety of surfaces.

It’s important to choose the right accessory for your walker based on your specific needs and the types of surfaces you will be using it on. Consult with a healthcare professional or a mobility specialist for guidance on choosing the right accessory for your walker.

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Benefits of Using Tennis Balls on a Walker

How to Put Tennis Balls on a Walker

There are several advantages to using tennis balls on a walker:

  1. Enhanced Maneuverability: Tennis balls reduce friction, making it easier to move the walker across different surfaces.
  2. Improved Stability: The additional grip provided by tennis balls helps prevent the walker from slipping, especially on smooth floors.
  3. Floor Protection: The soft surface of tennis balls prevents the walker legs from scratching or damaging delicate flooring.
  4. Noise Reduction: Tennis balls absorb some of the impact and vibrations, reducing noise while using the walker.

Safety Precautions

While using a walker with tennis balls, it is important to keep the following safety precautions in mind:

  1. Regularly inspect the tennis balls for signs of wear and tear. Replace them if they become damaged or lose their grip.
  2. Ensure that the tennis balls are securely attached to the walker legs before each use.
  3. Be cautious when navigating uneven surfaces or thresholds to avoid tripping or tipping over.
  4. Maintain good posture and balance while using the walker to minimize the risk of falls or injuries.

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Tips for Using a Walker with Tennis Balls

Here are some useful tips for optimizing your experience with a walker equipped with tennis balls:

  1. Practice using the walker with tennis balls in a safe and familiar environment before venturing outside.
  2. Gradually increase your walking distance and speed as you gain confidence and stability with the walker.
  3. If you encounter resistance while moving the walker, check for any debris stuck in the tennis balls and remove it.
  4. Consider using additional accessories such as walker glides or skis for improved performance on carpeted surfaces.
  5. Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist for personalized advice on using a walker with tennis balls.

You can check these: RMS Walker Glide Balls and Penco Glides


Can I use other types of balls besides tennis balls?

Yes, you can use other types of balls such as racquetballs or basketballs. However, tennis balls are the most popular choice because they are the perfect size and texture for use on walkers.

How often should I replace the tennis balls?

It’s a good idea to replace the tennis balls every few months or when they start to show signs of wear and tear. You should also replace them if they become loose or start to slip off the walker’s legs.

Can I reuse the tennis balls after I take them off the walker?

Yes, you can reuse the tennis balls for other purposes such as playing catch with your dog or using them as a massage tool.


Putting tennis balls on a walker is a simple and effective solution to reduce noise, protect your floors, and provide better traction. With just a few supplies and a little bit of effort, you can make your walker much more user-friendly. Give it a try and see how much of a difference it can make. you can also check How To Make Tennis Balls Last Longer?

David Harris

David is the founder and chief writer at Tennis Pursuits. A tennis fanatic, David has extensive experience of the game and has reviewed 100s of products to date. He is passionate about helping others on their tennis journey.

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