
How to Play Tennis in the Wind? [2025]

Playing tennis in the wind can be a real challenge. We have all played on a court when the wind blows through and depending on the end your at, it either feels like you just tap the ball and it flies out or you have to hit it much harder into the wind.  It’s like flying a kite. 

In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to play tennis in the wind and make the most of this obstacle. 

How to Play Tennis in the Wind – 7 Tips

When playing tennis in the wind, there are a few tips to help you gain an edge. The first is to adjust your stance and alignment. You want to make sure that your feet and body face the wind so that it does not disrupt your balance or momentum.

This will also allow for more control over how you hit the ball. Additionally, it can be helpful to adjust how hard you hit the ball. You want to make sure that you are hitting with just enough force so that the wind doesn’t completely overpower your shot.

Finally, it is important to have an awareness of how the wind will affect the trajectory and speed of your ball.

This will allow you to better prepare for how to return an incoming shot. With these tips, you can gain the upper hand when playing tennis in the wind.

1. Focus on Footwork

It can be difficult to maintain proper footwork in the wind. Making sudden adjustments requires many small steps. The wind can move the ball before players can swing if they take large steps when preparing to hit.

In order to strike the ball cleanly, you should keep your steps small.

2. Adjust Your Serve

The effectiveness of slice and kick serves is increased when the wind blows sideways. Keep your opponent on their toes by moving the ball left or right as much as possible.

Those with a high toss will see the ball doing some serious movement before they strike it. Don’t be afraid to catch the ball if the wind pushes your toss around. Although it might annoy your opponent, you have the luxury of doing this as many times as necessary.

3. Adjust Your Swing

You might consider shortening your backswing if you have a huge backswing. From the beginning of your stroke until the point of contact, the ball has more time to move around as you swing.

You should aim higher when hitting into the wind. The wind will make your shots land shorter on the court if you use your normal groundstrokes, making your opponent more likely to attack them. Keeping your shots deep also requires hitting the ball harder.

Short and low approach shots are recommended. As a result, your opponent will have to hit up to pass you at the net, which is difficult in windy conditions.

4. Tweak Your Groundstrokes

As you play in the wind, your ground strokes will also need to be adjusted. When aiming for corners and passing shots, give yourself more margin for error.

Whenever you hit a ball hard, the wind will have a less significant effect on it as it travels to its destination. Wind plays havoc with the ball more when you hit it slower.

It may be a good idea to use the wind to keep your opponent off the balance if the wind is giving them trouble.

5. Use Spin

Hitting high topspin shots will cause all sorts of problems for your opponent because the ball will bounce high and stay deep. You can force your opponents to hit many short balls by forcing them to move deep into the backcourt to return your shots.

If your opponent is hitting into the wind, you should be aware of the short ball. Windy conditions make passing shots difficult, so getting to the net is a good idea.

Side spins can be very effective when the wind blows sideways instead of with you or against you. As well as slice backhands, I can also use side spins on my backhand.

When there is a right-hand wind blowing, use side spin on the slice to cause the ball to curve more to the right. You can cause more problems for your opponent by getting the ball to travel sideways.

6. Try the Drop Shot

When hitting into the wind, drop shots are always effective. As a result of the wind, the ball will not go too deep into the court, forcing your opponent to run farther to reach it.

7. Master the Overhead

The wind can make overheads do a song and dance in the air, making them difficult to hit. Consider letting the ball bounce before hitting the overhead if the ball is high enough. When you bounce the ball, there will be less movement from the wind afterward, so it will be easier to adjust to the movement afterward.

How do I keep my tennis ball from flying away? 

One of the best ways to keep your tennis ball from flying away in the wind is to use a heavier ball. Heavier balls have more mass and are less affected by strong winds.

Additionally, you may want to consider using an anti-wind netting or fence around the court as an added precaution. Finally, it’s important to remember to always hold on to your ball or have someone else do so when you are not playing.

This will ensure that your ball does not get carried away by a gust of wind. With these tips in mind, you can keep your tennis ball from flying away in the wind.

Should I change my grip when playing tennis in the wind? 

Yes, it is important to adjust how you grip the racquet when playing in the wind. You want to make sure that you have a secure, but relaxed grip on the handle of your racquet.

This will allow you to maintain control over how hard and where you hit the ball while still allowing yourself enough flexibility to adjust how much power you use in your shot.

Adjusting your grip will also help you keep the racquet stable and balanced, both of which are essential for playing in the wind.

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How should I adjust how I serve when playing in the wind? 

When serving in the wind, it is important to pick a spot on the court that is sheltered from the wind.

This could be a spot near an edge of the court or a spot closer to the net. You also want to adjust how hard you hit your serve as well as how high up in the air you hit it.

Hitting too hard can cause your ball to be blown off target, and hitting too low can cause the wind to blow your ball up in the air and out of reach.

You should also take into account how the wind could affect how your serve will bounce or how it could disrupt how the opponent returns their shot. 

With these tips, you can adjust your serving strategy for playing tennis in the wind.

What are some of the best ways to stay calm when playing tennis in the wind? 

Staying calm when playing tennis in the wind can be challenging. One of the best ways to do so is to focus on breathing and practice mindfulness.

Taking a few deep breaths before each point or shot can help you stay relaxed and focused, allowing you to make better decisions about how to play your shots.

Additionally, it can be helpful to maintain a positive attitude and remind yourself of how the wind can actually be an advantage. While it may not seem like it at first, the wind can make your shots unpredictable which can throw off your opponent’s game plan. 

Finally, if you have difficulty staying calm during your match, you can take breaks as needed or make use of visualization techniques to stay focused and in the zone. With these strategies, you can stay calm and have confidence when playing tennis in the wind.

What other tips should players consider when playing tennis in the wind?

Players should also consider how to best adjust their serve when playing in the wind. It is important to make sure that you are serving with spin and adjusting how much power and control your serve has.

This can help minimize how the wind affects the trajectory of your ball, making it more difficult for your opponent to return.

Additionally, when returning a shot in the wind, players should be aware of how their grip on the racket will affect their shots. A tighter grip can help you have more control over how the ball is returned.

Finally, it is also important to wear clothing that is lightweight and breathable in order to stay comfortable and move freely when playing in the wind. By following these tips, shortest men’s players can gain an edge when playing tennis in the wind.  Good luck out there! Click here to read guide on Why Should You Never Date a Tennis Player?

Should I adjust my stance when playing tennis in the wind? 

Yes, it is important to adjust your stance when playing tennis in the wind. You want to make sure that your feet and body are facing into the wind so that it does not disrupt your balance or momentum.

This will also allow for more control over how you hit the ball. Additionally, adjusting how hard you hit the ball can be helpful. You want to make sure that you are hitting with just enough force so that the wind doesn’t completely overpower your shot.

By adjusting your stance and how hard you hit the ball, you can gain an edge when playing tennis in the wind. Good luck out there!

How do I keep my opponent from taking advantage of the wind? 

The best way to keep your opponent from taking advantage of the wind is to be aware of how the wind will affect the trajectory and speed of your ball. This will allow you to better prepare for how to return an incoming shot.

Additionally, it can be helpful to adjust how hard you hit the ball. You want to make sure that you are hitting with just enough force so that the wind doesn’t completely overpower your shot.

Finally, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and remind yourself of how the wind can actually be an advantage. With these tips, you can gain the upper hand when playing tennis in the wind. Good luck out there!

Can I adjust how I move on the court when playing in the wind?

Yes, adjusting your movement when playing in the wind is important. You want to make sure that you are staying low and grounded so that you can maximize your control over how you hit the ball.

Additionally, it can be helpful to take smaller steps when running around the court as this can help reduce how much the wind affects your motion. Finally, you want to make sure that you are keeping your head and body facing into the wind so that it does not disrupt your balance or momentum.

With these strategies, you can have better control over how you move on the court when playing in the wind.

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What are some of the best ways to win when playing tennis in the wind?

One of the best ways to win when playing tennis in the wind is to stay calm and have confidence. It can be easy to get frustrated or lose focus, but it’s important to keep your composure and stay focused on how you’re playing.

Additionally, it is important to adjust how much power and control you have over your serve as this can help minimize how the wind affects your trajectories. Additionally, it is important to adjust how you move on the court by staying low and grounded and taking smaller steps when running around the court.

Finally, wearing lightweight and breathable clothing can help keep you comfortable while playing in the wind.

By following these tips, you will be more prepared to take advantage of how the wind can be used to your advantage, rather than against you. Good luck out there!

Final Thoughts

Playing in the wind can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Remember, if you are finding it hard your opponent will be as well.  

I remember watching the French Open one year where the wind was kicking up the clay on the Court Phillipe Chatrier forcing the players to wait until it had died down.

Just relax, adjust your game slightly and stick in there.  If you follow the advice in the article you’ll go some way to battling the elements well. 

Good luck out there.

David Harris

David is the founder and chief writer at Tennis Pursuits. A tennis fanatic, David has extensive experience of the game and has reviewed 100s of products to date. He is passionate about helping others on their tennis journey.

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