How We Test, Review & Research Tennis Gear

We created Tennis Pursuits to help players make better, more informed decisions on what gear to use.

We are committed to the principle of transparency as a cornerstone for building trust with our audience. We thought it helpful to understand the methods we use for monetization as well as the rigorous approach taken towards testing, researching, and evaluating tennis equipment.

You may not agree with everything we say and that’s ok.  The beauty of the review system is that everyone will have a different view.

We hope that with our experience and expertise, combined by taking input from other experts in the industry, we have an edge when it comes to our reviews.

Our team make every effort to personally test the piece of tennis equipment they are writing about.  Where this is not possible we may seek advice from a colleague / expert who has used the product.

Evaluation & Scoring of Tennis Rackets

Our Evaluation Method for Tennis Rackets

This section details the approach we use to assess and score each tennis racket’s  performance. By scrutinizing various factors and employing a systematic rating process, the goal is to assist you the tennis player in making an informed choice.

Racket Traits:

  • Physical Attributes: Includes head size, length, weight, balance, flex rating, string pattern.
    • Understanding these aspects allows for streamlined comparison and categorization of rackets.

Tested Performance:

  • Minimum play-testing of one hour for each racket to gauge its performance.
  • Assessment parameters are: power, control, spin, comfort, stability, flexibility, and player experience.
  • Performance for different strokes is also evaluated: service, returns, baseline plays, and net plays.


We have created a universal system to rate all rackets as follows:

Serve: Evaluate how the racket’s properties harmoniously contribute to boosting power, control, and spin during serves. Rate it on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best.

Return: Assess how well the racket’s attributes come together to enhance power, control, and spin during returns. Assign a rating on a scale of 1-10.

Groundstrokes: Examine the effectiveness of the racket’s properties in enhancing power, control, and spin during groundstrokes. Rate it on a scale of 1-10.

Volleys: Evaluate how the racket’s features combine to improve power, control, and spin during volleys. Assign a rating on a scale of 1-10.

Spin: Measure the racket’s ability to impart spin, including topspin and slice, on the ball on command. Rate it on a scale of 1-10.

Control: Assess how effectively the racket’s properties work together to enable precise ball placement on command. Rate it on a scale of 1-10.

Power: Gauge the ability of the racket’s properties to combine and deliver the ball with maximum velocity. Rate it on a scale of 1-10.

Price: Price is important when considering a new racket, with ratings ranging from $ for those under $100, $$ for those priced between $100 and $200, and $$$ for those exceeding $200.

Assessment Criteria for Tennis Equipment

The team at Tennis Pursuits works diligently to assess a wide array of tennis equipment available in the market. At this stage we do not receive any free gear to test from any of our partners, so our reviews are 100% impartial.  We are not sponsored by anyone.

Shoe Analysis:

  • Men’s Footwear: Rigorously tested by male players (including me)
  • Women’s Footwear: Where possible they are evaulated by Jess Harris of the team.

String Testing: The team buys tennis strings and puts them through extensive testing, using them in a minimum of two full matches. The strings are scrutinized for their:

  • Power
  • Control
  • Spin
  • Feel
  • Durability

Additional Gear Tests: Tennis balls, overgrips, ball machines and socks have all been play-tested.

Gear Reviews:

  • Not every piece of gear, such as tennis bags and ball hoppers, undergoes physical testing, but most items are tested or at the very least researched indepth.
  • Testing is not exclusive to physically available products, and assessments remain honest and thorough.

Any comments or ways you think we can better test then we’d love to hear from you.